There are more sweat gland on your feet than anywhere else on your body - there are about 250 thousand of them, that is why it is not surprising that feet get sweaty.
There are more sweat gland on your feet than anywhere else on your body – there are about 250 thousand of them, that is why it is not surprising that feet get sweaty.
They produce even one glass of sweat daily which leads to odour formation and also prevents from keeping healthy feet – heat and moist promote bacteria and fungus growth. What is interesting, your sweat does not smell – odour is generated by the bacteria present on our feet, when they interact. Therefore, you should use foot antiperspirants or deodorants with antibacterial action. Deodorants remove odours and kill the germs, and antiperspirants additionally reduce sweating.
If you have sweaty feet, use antiperspirant cream or tea tree-based cream for daily use, that will help you keep healthy feet thanks to antibacterial and antifungal properties.
During daytime, you may spray your feet with a refreshing deodoriser that provides a fresh scent but also prevents bacteria and fungus growth. Sweating is also well handled by talk which absorbs moist from the skin but, unfortunately, may leave white marks on your clothes.
If you suffer from this problem, you may sometimes offer yourself a herbal soak (for instance once a week) – e.g. oak bark infusion decreases sweating, and sage and chamomile infusion has disinfectant properties and additionally gives your feet the feeling of lightness. Wash your feet in lukewarm water not to stimulate sweat glands.
Preventive treatment also consists in wearing socks and shoes made of natural “breathable” fabrics. With this kind of problems, use open shoes (if possible) or shoes made of natural materials, as well as special bamboo socks that quickly absorb and evaporate moisture, and have antibacterial properties. You may also wear sweat absorbing insoles.