Cracks look like fissures, usually in the calloused skin, but sometimes they reach the dermis. If not treated, they will be painful when walking, and further cracking may even result in bleeding. Such cracks give way to bacteria, viruses and …
Cracks look like fissures, usually in the calloused skin, but sometimes they reach the dermis. If not treated, they will be painful when walking, and further cracking may even result in bleeding. Such cracks give way to bacteria, viruses and fungi.
If your feet are nagged by regular cracks, you need a long-term comprehensive treatment not only involving skin. Malnutrition or a very poor diet, as well as insufficient quantities of fluids, also affect the condition of your skin. It becomes more prone to all injuries, loses its elasticity and cracks more easily. So, start with supplementing vitamin deficiencies (especially of vitamin A), eat fruit and vegetables five times a day, hydrate your body on a regular basis during the day with mineral water. Give up walking barefoot for some time, as well as wearing stockings and tights – replace them by cotton socks. Wear covered shoes with a small heel.
Once you take care of your body in full, pass to foot skin. Before each treatment soak your feet for a few minutes in warm water with the addition of foot salt, and then, once you dry them, remove hard and calloused skin from your feet, preferably using a special device or stone file. The device needs to be moved only in one direction – along the cracks. Another technique will promote the expansion of the fissures. Over the period of 4-6 weeks (this is the entire cycle of skin regeneration) regularly put a thick layer of a special regenerating mask on your feet, even for 30 minutes. You may additionally wrap your feet in a film or use a special mask-soaked sock you just insert your foot in and wear for even two hours. To enhance the effect, rub the content of A+E vitamin capsule before the procedure. After the intensive action of the mask is over, remove the remaining product, that is not absorbed, with a tissue or kitchen towel, and do not wash your feet – put the socks on immediately. Repeat this treatment every couple of days for several weeks, in combination with a special cracked heel repair and appropriate diet, and you will see your skin renew.