Reflex therapy understands a man as a whole - according to Chinese medicine, there are points on your feet that are responsible for specific organs. When these points are stimulated, the associated organs work better and are purified of toxins.
Reflex therapy understands a man as a whole – according to Chinese medicine, there are points on your feet that are responsible for specific organs. When these points are stimulated, the associated organs work better and are purified of toxins.
Reflex therapy aims to stimulate the body to self-recover, to activate natural forces and restore balance that is healing. It is a totally safe and natural treatment that originates from ancient Egypt, China and India. It consists in massaging or applying pressure to points on your feet or palms that are called reflexes. Each of these points is assigned an organ. By applying pressure to this spots with a thumb or fingers, we stimulate the functioning of the nervous system, we get to the source of the disease and improve blood circulation. The purpose of reflexology is to restore body’s and mind’s health. What is very important during the treatment, is the attitude of the patient and their general mental condition. Through the treatment, the reflexologist is to reinforce positive mental and physical features. This is the scope that may be the most beneficial. It is a very effective technique, easy to learn and perform. This treatment is very different to conventional medicine which treats symptoms and forgets about the environment and patient’s lifestyle. In reflexology, the main symptoms are affected by factors that at first glance are unrelated. Reflexology procedure is very different to a primary care physician visit. The first difference is the duration – reflexologist dedicates about one hour for the visit and the general doctor need approximately 15 minutes to see what is wrong. Why? In reflexology time dedicated to patients is extremely important. When you combine this reflexology procedures with a conversation, problems such as migraines, back aches or sleeplessness may disappear. Moreover, it can help to eliminate stress and tension which are related to everyday rush. This type of massage is totally safe, adapted to patient’s age and needs. Reflex therapy by a specialist may sometimes be painful, however natural therapy on pebbles or sand is very pleasing.
Basic rules and benefits of Reflex therapy
Reflex therapy is not only a method preventing health problems but also it can help us feel better. During the treatment, reflex points are stimulated, which releases endorphins, that are “happy hormones”, and eliminates pain and muscle tension.
Stress caused by work, everyday duties and other life situations affects negatively our immune system which becomes weakened. We are more susceptible to colds, and become depressed easily. Reflex therapy is great to fight stress, provides a feeling of relaxation, stress relief, and helps to relax the entire body which boost our immune system.
Reflex therapy is a healing foot massage which improves blood and lymph flow in the body, which makes that cells are more oxygenated. We become more concentrated and our brain is better functioning. Stimulated cells help to remove toxins of the body which improves purification and provides with some extra positive energy. Reflex therapy is also used to fight overweight or obesity resulting from metabolic disorders.
According to reflexologists, applying pressure to appropriate points liberates us of negative emotions which improves our mental condition.
A short history of Reflexology also known as zone therapy.
The history, and more precisely the beginning of the treatment is not very obvious. We know that Reflexology is the field of science the existence of which cannot be well specified. The readings on Reflexology give an approximate date when this treatment was started, which is 2,330-2,500 BC. The origins of Reflexology reach back to Ancient Egypt, where on the wall of the Ankhmahor tomb, also called the “tomb of doctors”, paintings were found that represented the healers performing their treatment on hands and feet of patients. Under the painting there is an inscription saying ‘Don’t hurt me.’ with the reply of the practitioner: ‘I shall act so you praise me.’ This is the very beginning of Reflexology. We should not forget that the most famous system of foot therapy was created in China and is now about 5 thousand years old. I mean acupuncture and acupressure, two methods with great healing properties. These are the fields that are closely related. In Europe of the 14th century, some kind of pressure treatment was used. The first articles and books about it were published in the 15th and the 16th century. What is important is the fact that in the 90s of the 19th century, Henry Head made investigations and called them “Head zones”, he discovered certain areas of the skin that develop tenderness in the course of visceral disease. The first person to use this treatment was Alfons Cornelius who took part in a massage course when he was ill, and later discovered that giving a massage to some zones of the body makes the disease resolve. It led him to further studies. Despite the interest given to the treatment, the theory of the zone therapy itself was created at the beginning of the 20th century. Inspired by the work of previous researches, Dr. William Fitzgerald decided to continue work over the zone theory which resulted in a book: “Zone therapy; or, Relieving pain at home”. Unfortunately, the book did not appear to be a spectacular event, nor the medical community showed any particular interest in it. Fitzgerald became famous due to healing sessions at social meetings. The only physician interested in his book was doctor Jogo Riley. Along with his assistant, Eunice Ingham, they decided to develop technical aspects of the treatment, and then transformed it into Reflexology. This is why Eunice Ingham is now considered to be the mother of modern Reflexology.
Leg swelling – where they come from and how to deal with them
Swollen feet are the result of fatigue or overheat (for example, when wearing warm shoes next to the radiator). But if your feet are swollen since early morning, it may be a sign of circulatory problems and announce varices.
Swollen feet may be relieved by alternate cold/hot baths. This is how circulation is stimulated, but also veins conditioned. A massage may also be helpful – massage your legs from the feet upwards, with your legs slightly risen.
If your feet get easily swollen, use cooling products with menthol, aloe vera or chestnut extract on a regular basis. Chestnut, which is rich in escin and coumarins, seals and fortifies blood vessel walls, increasing their resistance and elasticity. It is worth to provide the body with additional doses of diosmin and hesperidin that are available in pharmacies as dietary supplements.